When Marilyn Manson’s latest,
The Pale Emperor, hit shelves earlier this year, I dismissed it, as I have the many mediocre Manson records since
Mechanical Animals. In fact, I even wrote a review of
Mechanical Animals the week it was released instead.
Much to my surprise, though,
The Pale Emperor has become one of my favorite records of 2015. Granted, this has been kind of a meh musical year for me, but this record would be a contender in any year.
The Pale Emperor features something that I’ve not heard from Manson in a while, and that’s the willingness to push himself and evolve a little. It’s an interesting blend of the Bowie-esque sounds of
Mechanical Animals with some things that we haven’t heard from the shock rocker before, and while Marilyn Manson seemed to get lost a little after his third record, this one feels more like a natural progression from it than anything since.